Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dear God, Come Sit By Me

Today I had the most amazing experience.

I read a scripture that I have heard a million times in my lifetime...but never really experienced until today.

And I don't think it could have come at a better time in my life than now.


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30


One of the first scriptures you learn as a baby and it took me twenty-one years to really, really grasp it.

I have been crying out... every day, in every way.. wishing, yearning, missing my Jesus...

so tired, ready to disappear into my pain, exhausted...

and then, I see this...

I really love my Jesus. That is really all I can say.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reflections Before Psychology Of Women

Can I just say that it has been a stressful year? And it is not even over yet. I cannot wait until this whole ordeal with Mark has been completed- until he has to pay for his crimes and can no longer haunt my family. I want peace. Simple peace.
I started counseling sessions with a counselor at school. A lot of people do not like to share that they are going to counseling- and that is completely fine- but I feel like I should let people know that I am doing it. And it is for no one else other than myself that I do.
One of the things that I have come up against this year is the fact that I don't do anything for myself. I constantly think of what I can do to make everyone else's life easier. I don't take care of myself and I realize now that it is time to do so.
It doesn't make me selfish, it doesn't make me less of a woman- it just makes me healthy.

One of the things I have learned this year is that we put unrealistic expectations on women.
We have it in our head that a woman is supposed to be the perfect woman, a great wife, a superb mother, successful in all areas of life- smart, ambitious -but not too ambitious because that's "masculine"- kind, compassionate, long-suffering, always available...but that is preposterous!
I could never be that woman. And neither can any other woman on the face of this earth.
My latest session with my counselor has resulted in an assignment to relax. Anyone else confused?! I have two huge papers due next week... how can I relax? However, I have been told that I am not allowed to do any school work on Friday night.... just to relax and be calm.
Can I really do it?
I was thinking maybe I will go to the Ocoee and take some photos... read a book... sit on my porch swing and have a chat with Jesus.
I really miss Jesus.
How did my life turn into this? I do not want to live like this anymore.
I want to be free.
I want to be me again.
I am who I am and I love myself... but sometimes, I feel like I am the only one who loves me.
And that is ridiculous.. but it doesn't stop the feeling of loneliness...
Once again, I am trying to fix myself... which is not possible..
I know that I am loved, that I am cherished, and that I am special to at least one person- and I really LOVE my God.
I do.
I cannot wait to lose some of this stress.
Hence my promise to myself to adhere to the orders of my therapist... and do something for me.
Too bad I am broke....or I would buy myself some new shoes. THAT always does the trick! :)
Much love!