Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Love My Life

Welcome to Fall last fall break...
I am about to embark on an adventure, to God knows where, with Sierra.
Listening to the Kooks and marveling at how far I have come in my life this past year.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed.. and I feel like I am fighting a war I am going to lose. And then I win a battle... and another... and, amazingly, I realize that you can't just go out and win the war... you take it one step at a time ... one battle at a time.. and then find that the wins are in your favor.
And I am so grateful that I have a Father who loves me. Unconditionally.
I am so grateful that he takes care of me... expects nothing but myself... and always comforts and watches over me.
Off I go on an adventure!

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