Monday, December 15, 2008

Romancing... Me?

It finally occurred to me today- the reason why love songs are so popular. And this isn't just a poke at women- men think about these things too. Everyone wants romance. They want to experience that giddiness that comes with having a crush. It's intoxicating- and lethal. One thing that I have noticed is that we are always looking- no matter how hard we try not to. I wish that we could stop viewing each other as potential romances and see each other in a much more fullfilling light. I am not putting down romance- I think there's a time and a place for everything. Only, shouldn't a romance be founded in friendship? I have noticed that love songs are always speaking of chance meetings in the moonlight that ignites a spark of complete devotion--- What?! That doesn't even make any sense to me. When I was younger I used to think in this mentality- I mean, movies make it seem so appealing- but growing up has shown me that no romance can be lasting if you don't know the other person.
First of all, as a Christian, I have an obligation to prayerfully seek God about all my relationships- even friendships. I was listening to Wait for Me by Rebecca St. James today while I was reading and thinking about my life. And the conclusion that I have come to is- What does it matter if I find romance today or in ten years? God is complete control of my life- and that is such a comfort.
I have a friend, Jessy, who has adopted a lot of her guy friends as brothers- what a practical idea! Instead of seeing the men around us as potential husbands, we should be seeing them as brothers in Christ. Instead of clouding up our relationships with infatuations, let's build deep friendships. Lots of women say they want their husbands to be their best friend- yet they don't take time to build a friendship with him before jumping into a relationship.
So, I think if I have to pick a love song for myself- I would pick I Will Waste My Life by Misty Edwards. First and foremost I want my romance to be with Jesus. The rest can come later- when God says it's time


Jessica Wynn said...

"Ihave noticed that love songs are always speaking of chance meetings in the moonlight that ignites a spark of complete devotion---"

Maybe I should just stand under the moon every night, and then my "prince Charming" might find me...... =]

A verse that helps me a lot is Matthew 6:33. I'm sure you've read it, but I'm going to put it on here anyway.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

It's like you were saying (at the bottom of your post.)But so many times we wanna rush things, and we do we just make a complete and total mess out of everything (or is that just me?), and we could save ourselves a lot of trouble if we just let God have control.

Roxie said...

That's right. I've been reading Boy Meets Girl and it's been extremely helpful. I have always had my own ideas and thoughts about how relationships should work but no one ever agreed with me about it. Since I have started college I have met many people who feel the same way-- and the book is kind of incredible because it's talking about all the same principles. Wow!

About that first thing you said, "Maybe I should just stand under the moon every night, and then my "prince charming" might find me..."
Well, that "prince charming" that you found in the moonlight will probably be some deranged stalker or killer. Or just shady somehow. lol

Jessica Wynn said...

About the stalker....

Yes, and then I would be killed, and it would be tragic. I'd be like a desperate Juliet. =]