Sunday, June 28, 2009

What! You Didn't Know? Frank's My Homeboy!

I just finished cleaning my kitchen and I am glad that is over. It was an intense experience and the horrors of this day will never be erased from my mind. Girls are nasty. Enough said.
Today has been a pretty interesting day. I have had some realizations... good and not so good. I didn't realize that I was an introvert until today. I have my moments of extroversion.. and then people are like HEY! but otherwise, I keep to myself. This makes me wonder, what should I do with my life considering I crave silence. A few things popped into my head and I have compiled a list.
1. Own a bookshop where silence reigns supreme.
2. Devote myself to the church. (uhh... is this one legitimate considering I'm pentecostal?)
3. Move to the country (check!) and buy a small house where I will surround myself with flowers, a vegetable garden-yum!- and raise cats.
3. Develop an immunity to cats.
4. Become a writer and move to the wilderness to create the greatest novel of all time!
5. Marry a man who likes silence so we can have our silence together.
6. Marry a man who lets me have my ME time... and have a job that also allows for alone time.
7. If I don't marry a man who allows for my own space... I maybe shouldn't have married him.. so I will not marry that man. (How complicated)
8. Never marry and live in solitude with my hypo-allergenic cats.
9. Become a horse whisperer
10. Become a librarian
11. a massage therapist?
12. Work in a spa
13. Or a morgue
Well... what do you think?
Sorry Guys, this one was on the bit of the ridiculous side... but hey!


Jessica Wynn said...

"8. Never marry and live in solitude with my hypo-allergenic cats."

Um, I request that you don't become that "crazy cat lady." =]

Morgues are scary! =0 But the libarary is heaven. But if I actually worked there I would get angry with all the loud, college guys. Or the dads that felt some strange obligation to take their 3 year old to the library. Those dads are so loud. Geesh.

Roxie said...

haha. well... I'l think on your suggestions.. but just think! I could have the distinction of being the cat lady amongst my peers!