Sunday, July 27, 2008

Oscar.. the cannibalistic fish

Actually, he isn't named Oscar. I don't know if Jon has named them yet. Yes, there are Two! Jonathan bought two Oscar fish today. Apparently they are like pariah and eat other fish. Scary if you ask me. To be quite honest I am terrified of fish and having fish in the house that eat the innocent goldfish types for dinner.. doesn't quite sit well with me. And the orange one is always staring at me. Like he wants to taste my flesh. Yes, he only got him today but I have been keeping my eye on the little monsters.
I was somewhat concerned so I googled this "oscar" on the net. Apparently the oscar is the most intelligent of fish. Like a real pet! He knows the face of his owner and will even interact. Kind of creepy if you ask me. I know I am going to have nightmares that he is watching me tonight. One time I had a fish attack me. This has obviously scarred me for life. I keep thinking this murdering fish is going to come chew my hand off. Or worse.

On a lighter note, Jonathan thinks they are absolutely fantastic.

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