Monday, June 16, 2008

I pre-ordered the final book in the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. Breaking Dawn comes out August 2, 2008 and I already own a copy! I made myself a summer reading list today and I am quite happy about it. I wish I could go out and buy them all today or at least order them on Amazon and receive them by mail within the next couple of days. I would do it in a heart beat if I had a job. Right now I am living off of my money that I have saved from my two jobs during the spring. My parents paid for my summer classes and that meant that I could keep the money I had saved. The bad news is that this all I have to last the summer and I need to go grocery shopping to survivie. Basically, books will have to wait until I go home and have no big bills- like rent. Hopefully I will survive waiting that long. I know, maybe I will go buy a few cheap books at McKay's! Or just check some out from the library...

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