Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stephenie Meyer did this to me

I am an addict. I realized this today. I do not understand why I am so infatuated by Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga. And the longer I wait for the final book to come out, the more frustrated I become. What is happening to me? I love books but I have never been one to mope and go crazy for a book to come out. I mean, I literally have become one of those people who count down the days for the book to come out. Forty days. I am going crazy! And then waiting for the movie has me going crazy too! December! That's a long way off. It better be true to the book or I will scream. And if Edward and Bella don't get up together forever in the final book- Breaking Dawn- I will go insane. Stephenie Meyer wouldn't do that, would she? I sincerely hope not, because if she doesn't keep them together, I will never read another one of her books. Ever. Do you believe me when I say that I am addicted? I dream about Edward. All the time. He is amazing and wonderful and I want him to be mine. So completely and fully that I want to throw away all my promises to myself to enjoy single life. I do enjoy it very much actually, but when I think of Edward... Oh, if he were real, I'd have a hard time controlling myself around him. I would probably be just like Bella... chasing after him with no regard to my own life. I told my sister Allison a few days back that Edward could bite me any time. And it is completely true. I guess the reason why I am blogging like this is because I reread Twilight today and fell in love with Edward all over again. And I am in my apartment alone and I am going crazy because I have no one to talk to about Edward. Seriously, I am surprised and pleased that Meyer kept him pure and his virtue intact. People need to see that. They need to see that being clean and without past lovers is a good thing to have when you come into marriage. This is another reason why I enjoy her books so much. And Bella and Edward struggle with staying pure, which is true with everyone, and I am pleased that her books are so real. Despite the fact that they are about vampires and werewolves. The question I keep asking myself is, What will I do when the books are finished? How will I move on? A friend of mine made the comment that Stephenie Meyer could take this series and continue it forever. I mean, think about, Edward has eternal life. And hopefully, Meyer will give Bella the same.
The only thing that could make this series better would be them somehow finding Jesus, finding redemption. Impossible as it may seem, I would like to think that they could be forgiven just as we are. Since vampires are not real, I guess it doesn't really matter in the whole scheme of things. It would be a nice thought however, and a great way to end the book. But whether or not Meyer has any intention of adding this God factor is beyond me. She does mention God often though and it makes one wonder if she has something up her sleeve.
To finish my entry I would remark upon the Edward that has been cast for the movie and the Bella too of course. I think that Robert Pattinson will make a great Edward. He is not exactly how I picture Edward but I don't think that a man who looks like Edward could possibly exist anyway. Bella is going to be played by Kristen Stewart. She is a perfect Bella. Hopefully, I will survive waiting for the movie to come out.And the final book. What can I say, Pray for me? :)

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