Monday, July 14, 2008


Ibelieve that I may be technologically illiterate. This is unfortunate and quite sad considering I took Computer Literacy two semesters ago in college. I had just finished the most amazing blog about my discoveries yesterday in my Bible study when the computer did some weird clicky thing and I lost everything I had just wrote! I tried to recover it. You know, press go back or whatever but alas, I did not succeed.
Another thing, my laptop does a lot of weird stuff. My clickers don't work on the mouse pad anymore and it randomly shuts itself off. I promise that I did nothing to antagonize my precious computer but honestly, what am I supposed to do about it? Everyday I fear that it will turn off for the last time. It always works fine for Mark. Maybe it's me. I can't wear watches because of some component in my blood that stops time. It's ridiculous... but maybe, just maybe it's all connected somehow!

I really don't have much to say about my day. I really didn't do much. Unless you count taking down some soap scum.. because I totally kicked some house cleaning butt today! I feel rather proud of myself and want to dance a little jig. Of course, my dance skills are rather wack and I tend to hurt myself when dancing. I am definitely the dance queen!

I had the perfect cup of tea today. Irish Breakfast Tea is my absolute favorite tea on the planet and I enjoyed a nice cup of love on the front porch this morning.

Have you ever seen Princess Bride? It is pretty much the best movie ever. Favorite line of the whole movie "Hallo, my name is Inigo Montoya, You killed my father. Prepare to Die."

He says it about a hundred times in the movie. It's pretty much hilarious. Or the famous "Inconceivable!" line. Ah, I think I will watch that movie tomorrow.

Did mention that I got married? Yes, CeCe and Lins were quite upset that I "beat" them to the altar. I may look happy in the picture but on the inside I am screaming for help! I mean, who is this man and how did I get here?!!!!


Nathan L. said...


(but I have to say that your man looks kinda plastic)


Jessica Wynn said...

Princess Bride= Best movie EVER! My dad actually rented it so we could all watch it. My favorite part is when Inigo and Westley are fencing, and Westley goes, "I'm not left-handed either." I have no idea why that is so amazing to me. Because, it's not like it's even that funny. But sometimes, I go around saying it, which, in some peoples minds, might be considered humorous.