Monday, September 15, 2008

Search Me, O God and Know My Heart

So, I'm lounging in my apartment, drinking some hot, delicious tea and thinking about relationships. We're at an age that is full of so many possibilities....yet most people are more concerned about what their crush might think of them. It makes me so sad to think that people are starving and dying and that people my age aren't concerned about them. What does that say about us?!

I mean, when did a guy become more important than compassion and friendships? I don't want to be like that and I hope that someday when I actually do find someone I want to be with that He will be a friend first and foremost... (I have never understood meeting someone and dating them without really knowing them). And that I won't forget about helping people and furthering the Kingdom of Christ. Because if that's the case, I don't want to meet anyone. I would rather work for God the rest of my life alone than to find someone that doesn't want to help me help others.

Other than this revelation I had this morning while perusing the blogs of my friends, I do not really have much to report.

Except- Does anyone know where I can find a mother with a child age Newborn-8 that I can use for my assessment class? If so, please let me know!

(It sounds rather like a sales pitch or something doesn't it?)

Well, adios my fellow bloggers!

1 comment:

Nathan L. said...

Sorry no Newborns-8 here :)