Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Have the Most Amazing Bed

Longest Day Ever. I had an eight o'clock class with a quiz, a nine o'clock class with an exam, an twelve o'clock with a paper due, a one o'clock lab where I watched two women give birth (still sick to my stomach over that one), and a three o'clock class. I was non stop all day- same every Wednesday. However, today was just especially long because I pulled a late night of studying (for that exam on at nine).
Today has been pretty amazing though. I went to a flag football game to watch my roommates play.
I really had something really awesome to blog about but I got distracted (as usual). I really need to do something about all this rabbit trailing I do when I am thinking aloud or conversing with others. Actually, I even do it when I am journaling. Do you know anyone who rabbit trails while journaling? Apparently I can't even focus when expressing my thoughts through written words.
Well, until next time
p.s. my bed pretty much is incredible. I am currently sitting on it while typing and that is how my title was born. Actually, I think I am going to sleep now.
Life is so simple when you think about it. Or rather it is simple when you don' think about it. When you do focus all your attention on it's woes...well, that is when you get overwhelmed...
Rabbit trails.. Did you notice?
Wrapping it up..

1 comment:

Jessica Wynn said...

I rabbit trail when I journal. =] But the beauty of that is 1) Only I read it, so only I see how terribly flawed my writing becomes (I'm also quite forgiving of myself in this area =]) 2) I can always go back a couple of pages and see what was my main point. Gotta run, love ya