Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What! Is that Wilbur?!

Today was week two of my pig dissection... not exactly the highlight of my week. However, I realized that once I let myself become immersed in my task... Well, I forgot that I had my hands inside a dead baby pig. Instead I got to really take a look at some very vital organs and really understand the body. Since the human body much resembles the pigs body... it was a very good comparison.

We named our pig Bianca. Yes, she is a girl. I was really wanting a boy but it didn't work out. If she had been boy.... I wanted to name her Reginald. Such a noble pig name, don't you think?

Anyway, I am sure that I will never quite see bacon the same way again.

Not that I am a fan of pig foods anyway.

Moving on... today my apartment got cable... and all of a sudden, my little apartment felt like a real home. I think it was that in combination with the last couple of things we added to our living room... like the entertainment center. That was a great addition... and we were finally able to take the tv off of that little table.

Now all we have to do is hang some things on the walls... it is really bare and makes me feel like I live in an institution...or at least a place that doesn't allow things on the walls... which isn't at all inviting.

Tomorrow I have an exam... I should be studying for that.


Jessica Wynn said...

....Noooo not Wilbur!!!

Dissection makes me squimish. (But then again everything else does too.)Kudos to you for actually focussing on the task at hand. How does a person forget that they have hands inside a dead pig?

Roxie said...

It was fairly simple once I realized that it was the little pig or my Biology average... lol

Jessica Wynn said...

Oh yeah I guess that would pretty much decide it.