Saturday, October 11, 2008


Early this evening I decided that I should begin my homework-- you know, be a productive student and actually act as if I deserve my Government aid! I know, I know it is my duty to be zealous in my studies. Regardless, I have a lot of stuff to accomplish tonight. I especially need to study for my exam that is on Monday night. Tomorrow afternoon I intend on going home (maybe) to see my family. I really miss them.
Besides this, I am really just enjoying being here in my apartment alone this weekend. I'm not going to lie... I was a little nervous about it in the beginning. However, in the end, my stubborn streak came out and I survived. LOL
I really wanted to Blog to say something great and profound... this usually happens after I get an emotional high (which doesn't happen that often). I watched While You Were Sleeping tonight. It is a crazy emotional movie that gets me going every time, kind of like Sleepless in Seattle. I always want to write out my emotion afterwards...
And sometimes I cry. And it's not always because of a love story... no, sometimes it's a comedy....or a tragedy... or even a sci-fi movie. For instance.... I cried in Madagascar. Why would someone cry in a comedic cartoon you may ask? Or, I cried in Star Wars 3. And relationally, I also learned to despise Anakin in that movie as well. Those poor little padawans. I will never forgive Him for that. Poor Padme!

Anyway, those kinds of things seem to bring the emotions out in me. lol
I had a great evening... except for the fact that Tennessee LOST to GEORGIA!!!!

1 comment:

Nathan L. said...

Didn't we all know that Tennessee would lose to GA?

Actually I was happy with our offense, but our defense did horrible. Which is like the reverse of what it use to be.

Our new QB is doing well.

So whadup?