Monday, October 20, 2008

Sometimes Being Stubborn And Independent Can Be A Hindrance

I am keep thinking that one day I am going to wake up and know exactly what I want to to for the rest of my life and how to accomplish this goal. You see, right now I am double majoring in Psychology and Early Childhood Education. I don't know if I even WANT to be a teacher. I only know that I love working with children. But more than that, I care about injustice to children- I want to be a part of protecting children from those who would hurt them. I am not sure if teaching is what I should be doing. What if it is something else? This is why I am double majoring. I can do ANYTHING with my life. Anything.
The funny thing is that I have finally given my life up to God to run it the way he sees fit. So, if God decides I will become a sales lady at JC Penny then that is what I will do. If he told me to give up school and move to Africa- well, that is what I would do. I suppose if he asked me to never work and stay at home I could do that too. (Even now I cringe at the thought)
The point is that I think I am finally ready to accept that God runs my life. He has plans for me and that I should be willing to use all of my gifts to honor him.

And Suddenly the world looks brighter.
However, there is still the question of what to do about my Ed. major.

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